Kick-off meeting for the PASS project, in Parma, Italy, on 26 and 27 February 2024
Read MorePASSThe calendar of the En Dynasty team for 2022 has arrived! "A calendar with 72 black and white images that we made and they are waiting for you to bring them to life! Because life is never black and white. Every...
En δυνάμει is a collective of artists with and without disabilities. Through its actions, it proposes a new model of art and life, where the "anomalous", the "strange", the "different" and the "foreign" are integrated into the whole, empowering it. Ο...
The EN DYNAMEI group in collaboration with MOMus presents 20-minute performances! On April 10, from 12 to 4, become part of the group's experiments within the framework of the European research project EU Horizon Smooth - Educational Common Spaces....