7ος Μύλος Παραστατικών τεχνών

"7th Performing Arts Mill"

The En Dynami group will participate in the "7th Mill of Performing Arts" in Larissa, a co-organization of the SMOUTH group and the Mayoralty of Culture and Sciences of the Municipality of Larissa, with the seminar "Creating Horses in Love" on 26/09/2020 with Eleni...

1ο Σχολείο Σκηνοθεσίας του ΔΗ.ΠΕ.ΘΕ Βέροιας

1st "School of Directing" of the D.P.E.T.E. of Veria

The En Dynami group will participate in the 1st School of Directing of the Public Theatre of Veria on 10/09/2020 with workshops for the student-directors of the seminar. It is recommended by Eleni Efthymiou (director of the En Dynami group) and Eleni Demopoulou (artistic director of the En Dynami group).

Νέο εργαστήρι φωτογραφίας

New photography workshop

The En Dynami group, after lifting its measures to prevent the pandemic, is organizing a new photography workshop outdoors in the city, respecting all hygiene protocols, entitled "The Real World is calling me" with the...

Νέα ψηφιακή έκθεση της ομάδας Εν Δυνάμει Έτσι όπως είναι

New digital exhibition of the En Dynami group "As it is"

Athena Sotiroglou and Evangelina Karyophylli are in quarantine. The horizon of mandatory stay at home is still unclear. They are trying to listen and define their daily life. What are the similarities with that of the familiar faces? So.