Προσωρινή αναστολή των δραστηριοτήτων της ομάδας λόγω covid19

Temporary suspension of the group's activities due to covid19

The En Dynamism team announces that it is temporarily suspending its group activities that require physical presence, starting today and for 3 weeks, for completely precautionary reasons, due to the increase of covid-19 cases in our city. We feel that we need to suspend for 3 weeks the meetings between several group members in our weekly activities and limit ourselves to other ways of "meeting". We are all safe and healthy, but we want to do our part to contribute to the effort our city is making during this difficult time. We will suspend physical participation,but not communication with each other and our actions. We have already planned the next step of online meetings testing new methods of participation, communication and teaching. The young people in the group will be our teachers in this new step as they are now extremely familiar with these new methods.

-The artistic director of the group Eleni Demopoulou.