Το νέο podcast της ομάδας Εν Δυνάμει με τίτλο ΕΠΕΙΓΟΝ

The new podcast of the En Dynamism group entitled "EPEGON"

Listen TODAY to the new podcast of the EN DYNAMEI team participating in the 23rd Thessaloniki Documentary Festival!

Listen here to the podcast "Urgent!" :

A group of people trapped in the sound archive. A podcast turned into a prison. Voiced people, in constant interaction with the listener, confide their concerns, fears and dreams, underlining their basic need: to regain body and substance, whatever that means.

Production: Eleni Demopoulou / Team En δυνάμει, Directed by Thomas Vassiliadis, Novi Vassiliadou, Panagiotis Matziris, Script: Novi Vassiliadou, Team En δυνάμει, Music: Odysseas Gallios, Theocharis Bairaktaridis, Sound editing: Tanya Jones, Cover illustration: Harris Serdari, Narration: Thomas Vassiliadis, Novi Vassiliadou, Maria Dakhlythra, Margarita Kaynadas, Nikos Kyparissis, Sophia Kyrina, Sophia Konstantinidou, Alexandra Lucas, Panos Matziris, Charis Bairaktaridis, George Zisis Bilionis, Thanos Nanasis, Michalis Dolopoulos, Theano Papavassiliou, Konstantina Papakonstantinou, George Poulos, Harris Serdari, Danae Tsorlini, Maria-Tarsis Chela, Glossa: Greek, Production country: Greece, Duration: 36΄, Duration.

#endynameiensemble #epeigon_endynamei