7ος Μύλος Παραστατικών τεχνών

"7th Performing Arts Mill"

The group En Dynami will participate in the "7th Mill of Performing Arts" in Larissa, a co-organization of the SMOUTH group and the Mayoralty of Culture and Sciences of the Municipality of Larissa, with the seminar "Creating Horses in Love" on 26/09/2020 with Eleni Efthymiou (director of the group En Dynami) and members of the group who participated in the performance "Horses in Love". On the last day of the Festival, on 27/09/2020, the En Dynami group will participate in the workshop "Redefining the Performing Arts and Disability" represented by Eleni Demopoulou (artistic director of the En Dynami group), Eleni Efthymiou (director), Maria Koltsida (teacher and Minister of Education) and members of the En Dynami group.Marija Koltsis (teacher and co-doctor of the Pedagogical School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) and Anna Kalintseva (teacher and member of the En Dynami group) who will give an extensive presentation of the group and the way it works and creates.