Exciting Moments with Team En dynamei

Discover the passion, creativity and authenticity that characterize our team through the exciting moments of our theatrical performances.

Collective Power: The En dynamei Team

Discover the inspiring collaboration of young artists that highlights the power of diversity and cooperation.

Continuous Innovation: En dynamei Redefining Art

Discover how our team renews the boundaries of art through constant research and innovation.

Artistic Path: 15+ Years En dynamei

A path full of passion and creativity that has lasted for over 15 years, showing the way to artistic diversity.

Artistic Community: United in Diversity

A community of young artists, with and without disabilities, creating a safe and creative space for all.

Empowerment and Social Participation with the En dynamei Team

The En Dynami group is a dynamic group of young artists, with and without disabilities, which since 2008 has been active in order to support, encourage and equip its members to integrate equally into society through art.

Through constant artistic and educational workshops and activities, the group offers an environment where the experience and tools of the older members are passed on to the new artists. These activities bring out the potential and expression of the members, while promoting equality and acceptance in society.

Through their artistic career, the group has created many artistic works that highlight the diversity and creativity of its members. Through their performances, they build a world of mutual interaction and creativity, inviting viewers to converse and interact with them towards a common vision: building a world based on the values of equality and acceptance.

Through their participation in workshops and activities, the group comes into contact with individuals and groups interested in inclusive functioning in society. Through dialogue and joint action, they share their way of life and equal coexistence, strengthening community and mutual understanding.

En Dynami promotes a new perspective on art and society, encouraging participation, contribution and cooperation between all individuals, regardless of their differences.

Ελένη Δημοπούλου

Eleni Dimopoulou

Artistic Director

It is my honour and my pleasure to welcome you to the magical world of En dynamei. In my role as Artistic Director, my mission is to ensure that each performance brings out the depth of art and intensity of emotion.

With consistency, creativity and dedication to the theatre, I invite you to immerse yourself in every moment we live on stage. I hope you feel the warmth of each performance and the magic that unites us in the world of theatre.

Artistic March of the "En dynamei" Group

The group "En dynamei" has forged an impressive artistic career, dedicated to producing theatrical works that highlight the power of art in promoting social and philosophical issues. With works such as the theatrical trilogy "The Other The Normal", consisting of the performances:

"The Fan Man or How to Dress an Elephant" (2014-present)

It was presented in many theatres of Thessaloniki, the Region of Thessaloniki, as well as at the Athens and Epidaurus Festivals, Créarc Festival - Rencontres du Jeune Théâtre Européen in Grenoble (France) and Our Stage - 4th Europäisches Bürgerbühnenfestival 2019

"Another House" (2016-17)

A co-production with the Onassis Cultural Centre, which was presented at the Onassis Cultural Centre and at the Demetria Festival 2016

"Horses in Love" (2018-present)

It was presented at the State Theatre of Northern Greece - Forest Festival 2018 and at the Athens and Epidaurus Festival 2019. It toured in March 2022, with great success, in 4 European countries (Poland, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Portugal), namely at the Gdansk Theatre of Shakespeare, at Osvobozhdenie in Sofia, at the Beyond Disdanse Festival at the Rialto Theatre in Limassol and via livestreaming at Teatro com in Portugal, with the support of Perform Europe, and continued the tour in Greece, at the Municipal Theatre of Piraeus and the State Theatre of Northern Greece. In 2023 it was presented in the "Elefsina European Capital of Culture", and performances continue.

Transnational Performances and Tour

With performances such as "Horses in Love" and "WUTU WUPATU", the group "En dynamei" has crossed borders and presented its works successfully in many European cities. With a tour that reaches as far as London and Rome, the group continues to delight audiences with its performances.

All performances of the En dynamei group are directed by Eleni Efthymiou and art directed by Eleni Dimopoulou.


The group created the performance "WUTU WUPATU", from the homonymous play by Alexandros Papadiamantis in 2021, directed by George - Zisis Blionis, which is accompanied by an experiential workshop for young people on acceptance, inclusion and bullying. The mixed six-member troupe of "WUTU WUPATU" went on tour in 2022, visiting more than 15 places in provincial Greece.

"Antigone Project"

In 2023, the En dynamei group in collaboration with the director Sophia Antoniou held the annual workshop of ancient drama entitled "Antigone Project". Through the concept of inclusion, the central dramaturgical axis of the workshop, the basic concepts of ancient drama were explored. En dynamei tells the story of Antigone. She wonders whether she lives in a just world, whether laws are created to protect people or the opposite, and how far she would go for her beliefs. The group and the director presented the outcome of the annual ancient drama workshop, "Antigone's Project", at SE.BIO.ME's headquarters in the reclaimed, self-managed factory of BIO.ME in December 2023.


The collaboration with director Eleni Efthymiou continues in the new play "YPNOBATES", which will be presented in May 2024 at the State Theatre of Northern Greece. "Death," Heraclitus had said, "is what we see when we are awake, while what we see when we are asleep is sleep." So how can we talk about Death, when, as usual, life gets in the way? The En dynamei team bends over the idea of death with a philosophical and anthropological eye, often drawing parallels between it and its - according to mythology - "brother", sleep.


Theatrical performance directed by Sophia Antoniou, presented in various regions. by Sophia Nikolaidou, S.E VIOME

(2021) GOAT GOAT

Theatrical performance directed by George-Zisis Bilionis, performances in schools (High Schools).

(2018-present) Horses in love

Theatrical performance directed by Eleni Efthymiou, performances at the State Theatre of Northern Greece - 4th Forest Festival 2018, Athens Festival 2019.

(2019) SIGNS

Art exhibition curated by Richard Anthony. Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art 2019,

(2016) Tempus

Music project with participation in the musical design by Odysseus Gallios.

(2016) The "Other" House

Theatrical performance in various cities. The House of Arts and Letters, 51st Dimitria, Thessaloniki.

(2015) Power or Weakness

Literature book awarded the Bronze Design Prize at the European Design Awards in Vienna.

(2015) Home? The Little-Small House

Exhibition work with participation in festivals and curators Thoulis Misirloglou, Richard Anthony, Maria Kavalioti, Dimitris Zahos, Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Eye's Walk Festival in Syros,

(2014-present) The Fan Man or How to Dress an Elephant

Theatrical performance directed by Eleni Efthymiou, performances in theatres of the Region 2014-present, Athens Festival 2015, Créarc Festival - Rencontres du Jeune Théâtre Européen 2018, Our Stage - 4th European Citizen Stage Festival 2019,

(2013-2014) The Kyrani of the Forest

Theatrical performance directed by Eleni Dimopoulou

(2010-2013) I Thought You Were a Stranger

Theatrical performance directed by Eleni Dimopoulou

(2008-2010) Morning Star

Theatrical performance directed by Eleni Dimopoulou

new project "SURVIVORS"

The collaboration with director Eleni Efthymiou continues in the new play "YPNOBATES", which will be presented in May 2024 at the State Theatre of Northern Greece. "Death," Heraclitus had said, "is what we see when we are awake, while what we see when we are asleep is sleep." So how can we talk about Death, when, as usual, life gets in the way? The En dynamei team bends over the idea of death with a philosophical and anthropological eye, often drawing parallels between it and its - according to mythology - "brother", sleep.

Francesca Simonson

project manager

Michael Elmostino

marketing guru

Christine Albert

content creator

Multidimensional Art: From Theatre to Choreography and Visual Arts

Apart from the theatre, the group "En dynamei" is also active in the field of choreography and visual arts. By participating in dance performances and visual arts exhibitions, the group demonstrates the multidimensional nature of art and explores new territories of expression.

The exhibitions "Home? The small-small house" (2015), which took place at the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art under the artistic curatorship of Richard Anthony and Thoulis Mysirloglou, and the art installation "SIGNS" (2018), also hosted at the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, under the artistic curatorship of Richard Anthony.

The En dynamei group has also released its first literary book entitled "POWER OR POWERlessness?" (2016), which was awarded the 3rd Design Prize at the European Design Awards in Vienna.

The group made its first step in terms of participation in a dance performance, with the participation of 5 members in the work "Rite of Spring - a map" by Vittoria Kochalos. The performance had 5 performances in June 2021, at the open basketball court in Petralona Grove.

In the spring of 2023 he presented the dance performance SOLAR at the Onassis Cultural Centre of Arts and Letters, while his collaboration with V. Kotsalou continues to achieve important collaborations. In 2022 and 2023, the group worked with the internationally renowned choreographer Michael Klien for the production of "The Utopians", which was presented in June 2023 at the Athens and Epidaurus Festival.

At the same time, it organizes a variety of artistic workshops (movement-dance, music, visual arts, etc.) for its members and friends of the group, often in collaboration with important art institutions such as MOMus (Thessaloniki Experimental Arts Centre) and the State Theatre of Northern Greece.

Our new project - Our home

The group En dynami created and operates, from November 2022, an independent, self-managed independent living shelter for people with and without disabilities.

The theme of our home, the importance of our home, the meaning it has for each and every one of us, the concept of space as a reflection of the identity of the individual, has been elaborated and explored for years by the group through its artistic works. The art installation "Home; the small - small house", adopted by the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art in 2015, is the first result of En dynamei's struggle to "discover how to live together".

The play "The Other Home" is the result of months of research, conducted through targeted workshops, questionnaires and improvisations, as well as through interviews with people who find themselves in the difficult social condition of living unintentionally outside the family structure and protection (nursing homes, asylums, orphanages, boarding schools).

Can a person with a disability freely shape the environment in which they live? Is the welfare system able to serve the individual need and desire? And who can answer the parent's nagging and persistent question, "What will happen to my child when I am gone?"

The members of the group, with and without disabilities, have lived a lot together, travelling, on tours and workshops, but they want - and need - to build a real stable home. They want to live with self-determination, to develop the skills they need for everyday life, to be in contact with other housemates, with and without disabilities, with carers, but not only with them.

The group En dynamei, in this experiential project, takes the form of a family, which has members with and without disabilities, where one takes care of the other, and multiplies this nucleus. This effort is important both for the young members of the group and for the parents and guardians.

An independent living roof, in the form we are describing, is being done for the first time in Greece and - as far as we know - abroad. We are talking about a house, in the city, where the housemates interact with each other and with the outside world, rather than a remote, sterile institution. There are many independent living homes, but they do not serve the needs of the group, which is not to exclude the disabled from the non-disabled.

We want this house to become a new place of life for the individual and the whole, an alternative school of an "alternative life", a new way of living and living.

Self-Financing and Fundraising: the Group's Economic Approach

The group "En dynamei" applies an innovative approach to funding its artistic activities. Through self-financing, members' and friends' subscriptions, as well as by seeking grants and sponsorships, the group secures the necessary resources for the realization of its projects.

The group En dynamei seeks to the maximum extent possible to carry out performances, workshops and other activities in smaller towns and villages in Greece, in collaboration with local cultural institutions and always taking care of the increased accessibility of spectators and participants.

For all the above actions, the En dynamei group is in permanent collaboration with renowned artists from different fields of art and important institutions, participating in many festivals in Greece and abroad and having received rave reviews from audiences and critics, deserving a place next to the most innovative artistic events of Greek artistic activity.

The artistic productions and all the actions of the group are financed on a non-stationary basis, with the main sources of income being the subscriptions and sponsorships of its members and friends, the tickets of the theatrical performances and the sale of art objects made by the members of the group (stationery, calendars, etc.).

In the last three years, the application for funds has been intensified through participation in calls for funding from the Ministry of Culture and other cultural institutions, European Union programmes, etc. The needs for artistic productions are growing and the activity of the group is expanding and broadening to new projects, artistic and non-artistic.