

Welcome to the News page of the En δυνάμει group! Here you will find the latest news, updates and announcements about our activities, performances and educational programs. Passionate about art and social change, our team is constantly working to create thought provoking and inclusive projects.


Υπνοβάτες - Εν δυνάμει
What is sleep, what is death and why did we call them brothers and sisters? How often do we reflect on our constant acrobatics between dream and reality and between death and life? When do we open our windows to face our fears and our deepest desires? Are we all "sleepwalkers"? And, if so, where are we headed? Will we ever wake up?
Read MoreSleepwalkers

Members of the En Dynamei group met with the artist Veronika Sgardeli in the framework of the European project PASS

Μέλη της ομάδας Εν Δυνάμει συναντήθηκαν με την καλλιτέχνιδα Βερόνικα Σγαρδέλη στο πλαίσιο του ευρωπαϊκού προγράμματος PASS - Εν δυνάμει
I have a congenital motor disability. From a young age I was involved in sports. In 2015 I started doing wheelchair modern dance and since 2019 I have been involved in acrobatic wheelchair modern dance. My choreographer and I use our bodies and my wheelchair as a body tool, and with it I push my dancing and acrobatic potential to the maximum I can reach.
Read MoreMembers of the En Dynamei group met with the artist Veronika Sgardeli in the framework of the European project PASS