Διευθνής ανοικτή πρόσκληση - Εν δυνάμει

International open call

The call is for the selection of a composer under 35 years old with a disability, or a group of composers under 35 years old including people with disabilities, to be included in the artistic team of the PASS project.

International open call

The call is for the selection of a composer under 35 years old with a disability, or a group of composers under 35 years old including people with disabilities, to be included in the artistic team of the project PASS . The selected composer or group of composers will create up to two original pieces of music to be performed in 2025. Their expected compensation is 1.500,00 €, covering all fees and expenses. Specific composition details and deadlines will be communicated directly to the selected artist(s) or group, who must commit to meeting the project's objectives and timelines.

Find out more and apply now, here PASS Project International Composers Call!

PASS Call for composer or composers' team


The invitation concerns the selection of a composer under the age of 35 with a disability, or a group of composers under the age of 35 that will include persons with a disability, to be included in the artistic team of the project PASS .The chosen composer or composers' team will create up to two original musical pieces to be performed in 2025. Their expected compensation is €1,500.00, covering all fees and expenses. Specific composition details and deadlines will be directly communicated to the selected artist or team, who must commit to meeting project objectives and timelines.

Read more and apply: PASS Project International Composers Call

#LaToscanini #Studio Citadela - club, #divadlo, #kavárna #ACCAC Finland - Accessible Art and Culture Association #En Dynamei Ensemble / En Dynamei Group #passeu #creativeeurope #luovaeurope #accessibility 1TP5Inclusion 1TP5Music